Digital, Creative Economy & Contemporary Societies

The Digital, Creative Economy & Contemporary Societies conference delves into the intersection of technology, creativity, and modern societal dynamics. In today’s rapidly evolving world, digital innovations are reshaping economies, cultures, and social structures, leading to novel opportunities and challenges. This conference provides a platform to explore the multifaceted impacts of the digital and creative economy on contemporary societies worldwide.

Key Focus Areas:

1. Digital Transformation: Examining the role of digital technologies in transforming industries, businesses, and public services. Topics include digitalization strategies, disruptive technologies, and the implications for economic growth and societal development.

2. Creative Industries: Exploring the contribution of creative industries such as media, arts, design, and entertainment to economic prosperity and cultural enrichment. Discussions will encompass innovation, entrepreneurship, and the evolving landscape of creative expression in the digital age.

3. Social Impacts: Investigating the social implications of digitalization and creative economy on diverse communities. This includes discussions on digital inclusion, social inequality, cultural diversity, and the democratization of knowledge and information.

4. Policy and Governance: Analyzing policy frameworks and governance mechanisms to harness the potential of digital and creative industries while addressing associated challenges. Topics include regulatory approaches, intellectual property rights, and strategies for fostering innovation and sustainability.

5. Collaboration and Partnerships: Highlighting the importance of collaboration between stakeholders across sectors to foster a thriving digital and creative ecosystem. Discussions will focus on partnerships between government, industry, academia, and civil society to drive inclusive growth and social innovation.


  • Foster interdisciplinary dialogue and knowledge exchange among researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and industry professionals.
  • Provide a platform for showcasing cutting-edge research, innovative practices, and success stories in the digital and creative economy domain.
  • Identify emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities shaping the future of digitalization and creative industries.
  • Facilitate networking and collaboration opportunities for participants to initiate joint projects, partnerships, and initiatives.
  • Generate actionable insights and recommendations to inform policy development, business strategies, and community interventions in the digital and creative sectors.

Call for Papers:

Researchers, scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and industry experts are invited to submit original research papers, case studies, and conceptual papers addressing the conference theme and key focus areas. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Digital innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Creative entrepreneurship and business models
  • Digital marketing and consumer behavior
  • Cultural and creative tourism
  • Social media and online communities
  • Digital storytelling and narrative practices
  • Digital inclusion and social equity
  • Urban and rural development through digital and creative initiatives
  • Sustainable development and environmental sustainability in the digital era


The conference welcomes participation from academics, researchers, industry professionals, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and students with an interest in the digital and creative economy. Participants can engage through various formats, including paper presentations, panel discussions, workshops, and networking sessions. Additionally, opportunities for virtual participation will be available to ensure inclusivity and accessibility for participants worldwide.